Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the Clinical Center (U01)
U01 Applicants who Require Letters of Support for U01 Application
As described in PAR-21-343, letters of support from the Clinical Center and from one of the participating NIH Institutes/Centers are required for the U01 application in response to this announcement. For those applicants who submitted an X02 pre-application, their X02 pre-application will be considered as a request for the required letters of support. The X02 pre-application deadline has now passed. In order for an applicant to receive letters of support, applicants may send their requests via email to:
David J. Eckstein, PhD
Program Director, Strategic Partnerships and Policy Development
NIH Office of Clinical Research Education and Collaboration Outreach
Telephone: 301-496-4121
Email: [email protected]
Requests may be sent between December 14th and March 15th. Submitting a request early is strongly encouraged.
The request should provide sufficient information about the proposed project to enable NIH staff to determine whether the project can be supported by the resources of the NIH Clinical Center, whether the project is of programmatic relevance to one of the participating Institutes/Centers (based on your identification or designation), and whether the participating Institute/Center will be able to support the Clinical Center resource costs and the intramural investigator costs if an award is made.
The use of the Multiple PD/PI model is allowed but not required, and the request should list the names, institutions, and contact information for all intramural co-PD/PIs and extramural PIs (and all co-investigators, if possible). At least one intramural investigator must be included in the request. The request should clearly describe the collaboration among the investigators. In describing the collaboration between the extramural applicant and the intramural investigator and the research they will conduct, the request should demonstrate that each investigator will devote an appropriate amount of time/effort to the project and briefly describe the responsibilities of each investigator.
In describing the research to be conducted at the NIH Clinical Center, the request should provide the following information, as applicable:
For projects involving patients
- brief description of the research population (pediatric, geriatric, behavioral health, etc.);
- inpatient/outpatient or both;
- estimate of number of patients and their approximate lengths of stay/clinic visits
- list of special procedures/tests, and the estimated number of patients undergoing the procedures/tests
For All Projects
- Description of special Clinical Center or intramural resources (technology/specimens/etc.) your project will use.
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