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In Memory of Dr. John I. Gallin, 1943-2024

Dr. John I. Gallin most recently served as NIH's Associate Director for Clinical Research and Chief Scientific Officer of the NIH Clinical Center from 2017 to 2023. As the NIH Associate Director for Clinical Research, he founded the Office of Clinical Research (now the Office of Clinical Research Education and Collaboration Outreach), in the Office of the Director. He created this office’s portfolio of clinical research education programs, established the Bench to Bedside and Back Program, and implemented the Collaborative U01 Program. He began the ground-breaking work of developing NIH collaborations with regional academic medical centers to expand the utilization of intramural research program resources. 

Dr. Gallin’s remarkable career is a testament to his unwavering dedication to patients and to clinical research. We are deeply saddened to acknowledge the passing of Dr. John I. Gallin. His commitment to clinical research and invaluable insights will be greatly missed by his colleagues and the rest of the NIH community. On October 10, 2024, Dr. Monica Bertagnolli, current Director of the NIH, shared a message about the loss of Dr. Gallin. 

A New York native, Dr. Gallin attended public school in New Rochelle, New York; graduated cum laude from Amherst College; and earned an M.D. degree at Cornell University Medical College. After a medical internship and residency at New York University's Bellevue Hospital, he received postdoctoral training in basic and clinical research in infectious diseases at NIH from 1971 to 1974. He then went back to New York University’s Bellevue Hospital as senior chief medical resident from 1974-1975 before returning to NIH.

In 1985, Dr. Gallin began a nine-year period as scientific director for intramural research activities at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Dr. Gallin was the founding chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Host Defenses, serving as chief of the laboratory for 12 years, and was chief of the Clinical Pathophysiology Section which became part of a new Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology.

In 1994, Dr. Gallin began his tenure as the longest-serving director of the NIH Clinical Center until 2017. Some of his most notable accomplishments during his tenure include:

  • Establishment of a new curriculum for clinical research training, the Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Course (IPPCR), which began with 25 participants and now reaches thousands of participants from over 150 countries every year;
  • Oversight of the design and construction of a new research hospital for the Clinical Center, the Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center, which opened to patients in 2005;
  • Development of new information systems for biomedical translational and clinical research; and
  • Led the Clinical Center to receive the Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service Award in 2011.

Dr. Gallin continued his work as clinician and researcher. His primary research interest is in a rare hereditary immune disorder, chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). His laboratory described the genetic basis for several forms of CGD and has done pioneering research that has reduced life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections in patients with CGD.

In 2018, Dr. Gallin and his wife, Dr. Elaine Gallin, launched the Trailblazer Prize for Clinician Scientists at the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health. The NIH Office of NIH History & Stetten Museum conducted an oral history with Dr. Gallin about his career in March 2019. On December 1, 2022, he announced his retirement, which took place in March 2023. 

Over the span of his career, Dr. Gallin published more than 365 articles in scientific journals and edited two textbooks – “Inflammation, Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates” (Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, 1999, now in 3rd edition) and "Principles and Practice of Clinical Research" (Elsevier/Academic Press, now in 4th edition, 2018).

Dr. Gallin was a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians, the National Academy of Medicine, and he was a Master of the American College of Physicians.

Elected to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academy of Sciences, 1996; Abbey Rare Voice Award, Every Life Foundation for Rare Diseases, 2016; a Master of the American College of Physicians, 2008; American College of Physicians' Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award, 2006; HHS Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service, 2006; Society for Leukocyte Biology Marie T. Bonazinga Life Time Achievement Award, 2002; Physician Executive of the Year, U.S. Public Health Service, 2001; NIH G. Burroughs Mider Lectureship, 1996; elected to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) of the National Academy of Sciences, 1996; Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Medal, 1993; Distinguished Service Medal, U.S. Public Health Service, 1992; USPHS Award for Orphan Product Development, 1991; Jeffrey Modell Foundation Life Time Achievement Award, 1990; Squibb Award, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 1987; American Federation for Clinical Research Award for Clinical Research, 1984.


Gallin, J. I., Ognibene, F.P., Johnson L.L.. Principles and Practice of Clinical Research, 4th Edition. New York, Elsevier/Academic Press, 2018.

Gallin, J. I., Snyderman, R., Haynes B F., Nathan C., Fearon D.T. Inflammation: Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates, 3rd Edition. New York, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. 1999.

Metcalf, J. A., Gallin, J. I., Nauseef, W. M. and Root, R. K. Laboratory Manual of Neutrophil Function. New York, Raven Press, Ltd. 1986.

Gallin, J. I. and Quie, P. G. Leukocyte Chemotaxis: Methods, Physiology and Clinical Implications. New York, Raven Press, Ltd. 1978.


Malech, H. L. and Gallin, J. I.: Neutrophils in human diseases. New Eng. J. Med., 317:687-694, 1987.

Gallin, J. I.: Interferon Gamma in the Management of Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Rev. Infec. Dis. 13:973-978, 1991.

Lekstrom-Himes, J.A. and Gallin, J.I. Immunodeficiency diseases caused by defects in phagocytes. New England J. Med., 343 (23); 1703-1714, 2001.

Violi F., Carnevale R., Loffredo L., Pignatelli, P., Gallin, J.I.: NADPH Oxidase-2 and Atherothrombosis: Insight from Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 37:218-225, 2017


Malech, H. L., Root, R. K. and Gallin, J. I.: Structural analysis of human neutrophil migration: Centriole, microtubule and microfilament orientation and function during chemotaxis. J. Cell Biol. 75:666-693, 1977.

Gallin, E. K. and Gallin, J. I.: Interaction of chemotactic factors with human macrophages: Induction of transmembrane potential changes. J. Cell Biol. 75:277-289, 1977.

Wright, D. G. and Gallin, J. I. Secretory responses of human neutrophils: Exocytosis of specific (secondary) granules by human neutrophils during adherence in vitro and during exudation in vivo. J. Immunol. 123:285-294, 1979.

Gallin, J. I. Degranulating stimuli decrease the negative surface charge and increase the adhesiveness of human neutrophils. J. Clin. Invest. 65:298-306, 1980.

Sechler, J.M.G., Malech, H. L., White, C.J. and Gallin, J. I.: Recombinant human interferon- reconstitutes defective phagocyte function in patients with chronic granulomatous disease of childhood. Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 85:4874-4878, 1988.

Nunoi, H., Rotrosen, D., Gallin, J. I., and Malech, H. L.: Two forms of autosomal chronic granulomatous disease lack distinct neutrophil cytosol factors. Science. 242:1298-1300, 1988.

Lomax, K. J., Leto, T. L., Nunoi, H., Gallin, J. I. and Malech, H. L.: Recombinant 47-kD cytosol factor restores NADPH oxidase in chronic granulomatous disease. Science, 245:409-412, 1989.

Leto, T. L., Lomax, K. J., Volpp, B. D., Nunoi, H., Sechler, J. M. G., Nauseef, W.M., Clark, R. A., Gallin, J. I., and Malech, H. L.: Cloning of a 67K neutrophil oxidase factor with similarity to a noncatalytic region of p60c-src. Science. 248:727-730, 1990.

Gallin, J. I., Malech, H. L., Melnick, D. A., et al: A controlled trial of interferon gamma to prevent infection in chronic granulomatous disease. The international chronic granulomatous disease cooperative study group. N. Engl. J. Med. 324:509-516, 1991.

Holland, S. M., Eisenstein, E. M., Kuhns, D. B., Turner, M. L., Fleisher, T. A., Strober, W., Gallin, J. I.: Treatment of refractory disseminated non-tuberculosis mycobacterial infection with interferon-gamma: A preliminary report. New Eng J. Med. 330:1348-1355. 1994.

Jackson, S.H., Gallin, J.I., Holland, S.H. The p47phox mouse knock-out model chronic granulomatous disease. J. Exp. Med. 182:751-758, 1995.

Malech, H.L., Maples, P.B., et al and Gallin, J.I., Prolonged production of NADPH oxidase-corrected granulocytes after gene therapy of chronic granulomatous disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 94:12133-12138, 1997.

Lekstrom-Himes, J.A., Dorman, S.E., Kopar, P., Holland, S.M., Gallin, J.I. Neutrophil-specific granule deficiency results from a novel mutation with loss of function of the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer protein e. J. Exp. Med., 189:1847-1852, 1999.

Gallin, J.I., Alling, D.W., Malech H.L. and others. Itraconazole to Prevent Fungal Infections in Chronic Granulomatous Disease. N. Eng. J. Med. 348: 2416-2422. 2003.

Kuhns, D.B., Alvord, W.G., Heller, T., Feld, J.J., Pike, K.M., Marciano, B.E., Uzel, G., DeRavin, S.S., Priel, D.A., Soule, B.P., Zarember, K.A., Malech, H.L., Holland, S.M., Gallin, .JI. Residual NADPH oxidase and survival in chronic granulomatous disease. N Engl J Med. 363(27):2600-10. 2010.

Gallin J.I. The NIH Clinical Center and the future of clinical research. Nat Med. 17(10):1221-3. 2011.

Sibley, C.T., Estwick, T., Zavodni, A., Huang, C.Y., Kwan, A.C., Soule, B.P., Loung Priel, D.A., Remaley, A.T., Rudman Spergel, A.K., Turkbey, E.B., Kuhns, D.B., Holland, S.M., Malech, H.L., Zarember, K.A., Bluemke, D.A., Gallin, J.I., Assessment of Atherosclerosis in Chronic Granulomatous Disease.  Circulation.  130:2031-2039. 2014.

Kuhns, D.B., Fink, D.L., Choi, U., Sweeney, C., Lau, K., Priel, D.L., Riva, D., Mendez, L., Uzel, G., Freeman, A.F., Olivier, K.N., Anderson, V.L., Currens, R., Mackley, V., Kang, A., Al-Adeli, M., Mace, E., Orange, J.S., Kang, E., Lockett, S.J., Chen, Steinbach, P.J., Hsu, A.P., Zarember, K.A., Malech, H.L., Gallin, J.I., Holland, S.M.  Cytoskeletal abnormalities and neutrophil dysfunction in WDR1 deficiency.  Blood.  128:2135-2143. 2016.


Date page last updated: 11/25/24

Dr. John I. Gallin

Roles at the NIH
Director, Clinical Center
Chief Scientific Officer, Clinical Center
Associate Director for Clinical Research
Founder, IPPCR Course

Academic Degrees
BA, Amherst College
MD, Cornell University Medical College

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